Scott Britton
LWVO Board Vice President
In 2002, Scott became executive director of the League of Women Voters of Ohio. During his three years with the League, he increased member contributions to the annual fund, managed an ambitious judicial independence project, and coordinated direct and grassroots lobbying efforts on multiple good-government issues. In 2006, upon the birth of his son, Scott became a stay-at-home father. He joined the board of the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Columbus, where he led the redesign of the League’s website in time for the 2008 election. In October 2010, he returned to work part-time as coordinator of Advocates for Ohio’s Future, a statewide coalition of human service programs, including Public Children Services Association of Ohio, the association of county children services agencies. He joined PCSAO in 2011 as assistant director. Scott manages several grant-funded projects, media relations, website and social media, and human resources. Born and raised in Parkersburg, West Virginia, Scott is a 1993 graduate of Drew University in New Jersey.